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Project created by Andreas
This a free 2d top-view online RPG based off of Odyssey Classic. It's set within a medieval setting. You can be any one of these 4 classes: Knight, Mage, Rogue, and Cleric. Each one of these adds more depth to PvP. This game is designed for Questing, PvP, having a great time and maybe even designing your own houses.
KillZone is a "Online Role Playing Game". It is made to run on lower end computers, some as slow as 66mhz. Instead of focusing highly on visual, and aural elements, Odyssey tends to focus on gameplay value, and replayability. The Odyssey series were started in the mid-90s and is said to be the first successful VB6 MORPG. Kill-Zone is the server that gives you a lot of PK. Guilds vs guilds, player vs player. We have many red/white maps compared to safe maps. There are 2 dimensions to this game, one where it is made for PK and one for questing.
How To Play
This is played on the killzone_pk client