SUB Main(Player as LONG, Target as LONG) Dim i as LONG, map as long, x as long, y as long, players as long, a as long, check as long, speed as long, totalframes as long, loopcount as long, sprite as long, z as long If GetPlayerClass(Player) = 1 | GetPlayerClass(Player) = 4 | GetPlayerAccess(Player) > 0 Then If ReadIniInt("playerflags", GetPlayerUser(Player), "cure", 8) = 1 | GetPlayerAccess(Player) > 0 Then If GetPlayerMana(Player) >= 15 Then SetPlayerMana(Player, GetPlayerMana(Player) - 15) SetPlayerHP(Player, GetPlayerHP(Player)+10) sprite = 3 speed = 10 totalframes = 15 loopcount = 0 totalframes = 8 map = getplayermap(player) x = getplayerx(player) y = getplayery(player) for z = 0 to 0 if GetTileAtt(getplayermap(player), x, y)<>1 then if getplayerdirection(player)=0 then y = y if getplayerdirection(player)=1 then y = y if getplayerdirection(player)=2 then x = x if getplayerdirection(player)=3 then x = x CreateTileEffect(map,x,y, sprite, speed,8,loopcount,0) End if Else PlayerMessage(Player, "You need 10 mana to cast cure!", Yellow) End If Else PlayerMessage(Player, "You don't know how to cast cure!", Yellow) End If Else PlayerMessage(Player, "You need to be a mage or a paladin to cast cure!", Yellow) End If END SUB